Face Lift Surgery

  • A face lift also known as rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that can be used to improve visible signs of aging of the face. This procedure is for those who want to change the appearance of sagging skin due to loss of skin elasticity, deep creases, and loss of skin tone.

    The ideal candidate for a face lift is someone who:
    •Physically healthy
    •Doesn’t smoke
    •Has realistic expectations

  • Come prepared to discuss any questions you may have during the consultation as well as:
    •Your goals for surgery
    •Current medications, allergies, drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption
    •Personal and family health history such as diabetes, cancer, anemia, lung or heart problems
    •Previous surgeries

    During the consultation we will:
    •Examine your face and skin tone
    •Discuss incision sites and downtime
    •Evaluate your overall health and any pre-existing health conditions
    •Take pre-op photos
    •Discuss how the procedure is performed and what your likely outcome will be
    •Talk about any risks or potential complications

    Prior to your surgery we may ask you to:
    •Pick up any medications needed for after your surgery
    •Stop smoking
    •Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding
    •Have pre procedural testing done if you have pre-existing health conditions

  • During your consultation the risks and possible complications of having surgery will be discussed. Some possible risks that you may have questions about are:
    •Anesthesia risks
    •Facial nerve injury with weakness
    •Blood clots
    •Unfavorable scarring
    •Temporary or permanent hair loss at incision site
    •Deep vein thrombosis
    •Fluid accumulation
    •Sutures may become spontaneously visible and push through the skin causing redness, irritation, and fluid discharge
    •Fat necrosis
    •Possibility of revisional surgery
    •Poor healing of incisions
    •Unfavorable scarring

  • There are multiple levels of facelifts. Dr. Nichols will be able to help decide which is the best procedure depending on the severity of sagging skin and the patient’s goals for surgery.

    Our anesthesiologist will meet with you on the day of your procedure to discuss the type of sedation that will be used. All major surgical procedures at Pearl Plastic Surgery are done under general anesthesia.

    Incision sites depend on the level of facelift. The surgeon will explain where he will place the incisions based on your individual goals.

    The incisions are closed using dissolvable sutures and will be covered in steristrips. The sutures will not need to be removed and the steristrips can be removed two weeks post op if they have not fallen off on their own.

  • Immediately following your surgery you will be placed into a post surgical elastic binder for support and to minimize swelling. You will be monitored closely by our nurses until you are awake and ready to go home. Before leaving you and your caretaker will be given specific instructions on how to take care of your breasts and drains, how and when to take medications, when to follow up, and signs for any concerns.

  • The results are immediately visible but there will be a significant amount of swelling and bruising. Swelling and bruising of the face and surrounding areas will diminish over time. Scars from the surgery are permanent but will continue to fade as time passes. The best way to retain your new look is to maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.


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